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De Solareclips is deels in Nederland en België te volgen en zal er ongeveer zoals op de afbeelding uitzien.
Fijne eclipsentijd!
Solar eclipse June 2021
The next New Moon on June 10 is also a Solar eclipse. This is an emotional one in the sign of Gemini. The Node and Juno is involved. The asteroid Juno is about soulmate connections, marriages and contracts. This Solar Eclipse will affect our relationships.
In short, what is the theme of this influence, which will be topical for at least the next six months? The solar eclipse will take place in the sign of Gemini at 19 degrees with Mercury barely 1 degree away, on June the10th, 2021. Mercury is retrograde. This ensures that we pick up old projects again, do everything with communication, strengthen our contacts again and do research. Mercury is about communication and in its own sign, in Gemini, is very strong. Because the Node, or North Node, is also included, there is urgency involved. Unfinished business must now be completed. The cosmos interferes, there's pressure behind it. Gemini likes to see the big picture. So worrying about details is pointless. It's about the helicopter view. A distraction is Neptune who is now in opposition to Mercury. This makes it even more vague and elusive for convenience. Communication disorders can arise, misunderstandings or even unreasonable reactions. Don't swallow everything for sweet cake either. We can be deceived. Try not to get bogged down in gossip and fog, but keep the focus. Our relationships are also put to the test. The partner we thought we knew can suddenly lead a double life or make a complete shift in character. It is good for our sense of perspective. We can see the humor in things again. Lift less heavy and try to use this time well by finishing old things. Do you want to know where you should put your focus? We can make a prognosis for you based on your personal horoscope.
If you are curious about your personal astrological report, you can order it from us for the following offer price:
Transfer 19.50 euros to:
Iban NL60 INGB 0004 2881 83
in the name of Astromedium
Then send an email with your birth details and a short explanation about your status [single, divorced, seeking, etc.] to:
For subscribers of the monthly subscriptions, the offer is 10 euros.
[if you also want a monthly subscription, send an email to the above email address]
The Solareclips can partly be followed in the Netherlands and Belgium and will look similar to the image.
Happy eclipse time!
©astromedium annette kok