Full Moon in Scorpio the 7th of May
Full moon
May 7 is the Full Moon around 12.45 CET. The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, 17 degrees with the Sun opposite it at 17 degrees Taurus.
It is an emotional Full Moon with the theme of career, status versus domestic activities. Pluto is now retrograde and the planets Saturn, Venus and Jupiter are slowing down to go Retrograde on May 12 as well. That is why this Full Moon is already dedicated to this retrograde trend. Mercury is very close to the Sun and also participates in this Full Moon, making communication important, but instinctively not always well received. Most likely, the measures regarding the Corona virus will be relaxed, just as these three planets go retrograde. We are moving forward, but there is also time for reflection. We can see what the damage is and make plans to come back to our position stronger. It is difficult to find the right balance between work and home. Problems with work and / or family matters are still present. We are busy keeping everything in balance and processing it.
A lot of news will come out about companies and their reconstruction.
The Node, or the North Moon node, also known as Destiny, changes sign. After approximately 1.5 years in the sign of Cancer, the Node now changes sign and the zodiac sign of Gemini enters. As a result, there is more air in various cases, because the rather emotional sign Cancer regularly clashed with the many planets in the sign Capricorn. That ballast is now behind us. The Node in Gemini gives bright spots, but because Gemini is about the lungs and the Corona virus is not yet over, this theme will keep us busy for the next 1.5 years. Important developments and news are coming out in this area, not only now, but regularly during the Node in Gemini.
Happy Full Moon!